Street Art Helsinki


There are no coincidences. It's absolutely a non-coincidental life altering event that a graffiti exhibition opened at HAM less than a week before I moved to Helsinki. (Disclaimer: It's a coincidence.) I have a sweet spot (sweeter than sugar!) for urbanscapes and colour. Graffiti is integral to that. Often I might not "get it", but I feel it and that's good enough for me. As they say - feelings are facts. (I am not sure who "they" are, but I have that phrase noted down among hundreds of notes on my phone.)

My beginner's source for graffiti in Helsinki was this article. The two photos above were taken at Baana. And the photos below were taken last weekend in Suvilahti (yes, the very same place  that hosts Flow festival every summer). It smelled of paint and blue skies. It smelled like spring is in town, finally.

© kaisa männik. Design by Eve.