I get genuinely excited when I stumble on a movie shoot or a photo shoot or any other make believe action in the middle of utter daily-ness. Like on this rainy day in Oslo this week. It's been a week of many emotions. My first visit to Oslo (loved it), some cognac and absinth cocktails at an art museum, missing a film screening 'cos the movie machine just broke at the cinema, tackling public transport options 'cos of the marathon in Tallinn (there's a big part of me waiting for this running in the middle of the city craze to be over ;)) and some others.
And and and a new album from The National called "Sleep Well Beast"! It's a major thing. The National is my spirit animal (okay, so yes, I do have more than one spirit animal). Their every album is like a passage to being not happy-go-lucky, but accepting also the "dark" (read: inherently human) side of life. A form of salvation. Melancholy at its best! <3 (Yes, I just used the heart/butt emoticon, so worth it.) And slipping down the very slippery slope of clichés... there cannot be light without darkness. So I am looking forward for this album to reveal all its layers and get comfortably under my skin. (Insert some all hailing expectation filled dance moves here.)
I am really keyboard-hitting here to keep my fingers warm. It's this weird period where weather is getting colder and colder, but the central heating hasn't been switched on. I should probably bake something, so the oven could heat up the place a bit. (Like one needs a reason for a cake.) Now thinking of cake (I really don't have the ingredients at home) and following The National on tour (yeah, the usual...) and how once I touched Matt Berninger (take it as you wish). The autumn is here!
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