Kyoto, Japan, April 2015 |
Psst! Sometimes we're all more alike then we'd like to admit. True story. Those boys kicking ball at a quiet street in Kyoto automatically carried me back to sunny streets in Spain where... yes, you guessed it - little boys ever so often kicked around a ball with carefree enthusiasm. Those kids thousands of miles apart totally have a common ground, a means of communication that could unite them without words. A ball. Smiles. Enthusiasm. Here's to being universal and perhaps at times imagine that we all do live in a one big happy village! (Let me be idealistic, this one time. :))
Kyoto, Japan, April 2015 |
Kyoto, Japan, April 2015 |
Kyoto, Japan, April 2015 |
Kyoto, Japan, April 2015 |
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